Thursday, October 10, 2013

Hay! Over Here!

Hay there, I've missed you.  I just want to let you know where I'm at now.

a ME FIRST odyssey

This new blog follows my journey through working the ME FIRST program.  Including the events I participate in for fitness, nutrition info, and other thoughts about the program.

I'd love for you to come follow me over there. (Yeah it's Wordpress.)

This new blog is an multi-author blog. It has contributing authors as well as guest authors, if you'd like to be one please read the Be A Guest page.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Got to get back

I've got to get back to taking pictures of what I consume.
Breakfast around 7:30 - medium banana,  Greek yogurt, large cup of coffee.
Lunch 11:30 - half of a crispy chicken wrap w/ blue cheese dressing, tons of veggies. Cup of water.
Dinner 7 - the other half of my wrap. It sucked & didn't finish it. A seagrams wine cooler. A small bowl of lucky charms. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

I got in!

As I mentioned before, I applied to the ME First program at work to help state employees become healthier. (I'm it's because we have some of the most over weight staff ever.) I got the call today.  I'm very excited about it.  I've already made changes in my life and hope to add to them and create new habits with this program.

I may or may not continue this blog, I have yet to figure that out.  I love the idea of being accountable to others. Guess we'll see when things come in the mail.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Me First

I sent my paperwork in to the ME First program at work, again this year.  I hope I can get in to the program this year.  I know it's changed a lot since the first year, but I really need some help getting fit & healthy.

Friday, June 15, 2012


So.I moved & I'm finally mostly settled. I've eaten like crap for three weeks now & only got a work out from moving off the third floor.  I've been exhausted & sore for weeks. After moving stuff I had to get each new room in order which is what this last week was spent doing. I did eat three real dinners this past week.

Tonight I'm sitting my nephew & niece, which I love to hang out with but tonight I've got a headache & sinus issues and could use a nap.

I went to the doctor for my sinus issues & basically there's nothing they can do, sinusitus, the swelling of sinuses. Keep taking my allergy pill or try a new one, then she gave me an rx for numbing drops for my ears & a steroid for 5 days.

So that's the most current update on my health & wellness. Going to start that diet book again. It may be exactly what I need.

Monday, May 21, 2012

sugar be gone...

I know it will be tough but im going to try to cut out any excessive sugar. (the non-natural sugar) I figured cold turkey is not the best way, but weening myself slowly would.  less mood swings. ;-) so today's coffee has one teaspoon of sugar w/ half & half.  also had a Chobani, raspberry. debating on orange, banana, or blueberries for a snack.  I bought mircal whip & tuna to eat on my honey oat sandwich rounds.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

what have i done?

Friday morning I had my usual slice of breakfast pizza (not pictured - you've seen it before). I forget what I had for lunch, but I had a "Hot Fudge Friday" at work as a snack.  Then I went to the IGA & picked up some Chester Fried Chicken strips. Uhm lets say that was NOT the best idea. I only ate half of it by the way. (the whole thing was 3 strips, 4 wedges, 1 roll, & potato salad)

I ate like crap over the weekend as I wasn't feeling well and didn't really make an effort.  I did have some baked chicken one of the two days & then the kids had some of it. Jesse finished the chicken from the IGA. I had a nice mothers day but I basically lazed around all day due to girly issues & a headache. I still felt blah on Monday but went to work, had a yogurt, coffee as usual. A slice of pizza & a salad with my Mom for lunch. Didn't have much for supper.

Tuesday I stayed home from work & got up late, had toast & tea & an orange.  Kids met me at the movie theater because by 2 I was feeling much better, and we went to see the Avengers. Which was awesome.  I had popcorn & a little bit of soda (sprite) and then we had stake, rice & peas (pictured)

This morning I had a muffin & a banana, as I didn't have any yogurt left in the fridge, and 2 coffees. For lunch I'm having left over stake rice & peas. And lots of water.  I went for a walk at lunch for the wellness annual walk. Got a free T shirt even though I didn't sign up. They had some left at the end. We went down the hill to the Y & then down the rail trail towards Hallowell & back.  I think it was about 2 or 3 miles. Which I'm not use to walking all at once ESPECIALLY on hills. :-(  Later I'm going to the gym.  So I think I might sleep better tonight than I have been the last few nights.  Update you later on my progress at the gym. :-)  And later in the week we'll discuss my doctors appointment.