Saturday, April 21, 2012


I'm not much of a traditional dieter, I cannot stick to a diet to safe my life. Basically in my brain I think of diet = restrictions/limitations. But lately over the last few years I've been trying to eat less processed foods and more real foods. 
I was browsing through Marden's yesterday and found this book "The High School Reunion Diet" so I grabbed it. Why would I do that if I'm not a dieter? Because it's not a diet book. Its a book about eating healthier and less processed foods and NOT about restricting your consumption but making better choices.  It was basically a book on how to do what I am already trying to do. So I'm reading it to try to do it better. 
You'll be amazed that I'm actually going to try to give up sugar. LOL  We'll see how that goes. I will give it my best effort. Got to stop and get more honey since I do like things sweet. ;-)

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