Thursday, April 19, 2012

4 Great Tips to Boost Your Metabolism Today!

Another newsletter from my Dad at DOT from July of 2011. 

Your metabolism involves a complex network of hormones and enzymes that not only convert food into fuel but also affect how efficiently you burn that fuel. Gender and genetics play a role in metabolism, and not everyone burns calories at the same rate. But, there are a few things you can do today to give your metabolism a little boost.

Keep moving! The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you will burn throughout the day. Keeping up with an exercise schedule will help you burn more calories while you are sitting at work. Remember, every little bit counts! You can break up your exercise throughout the day if you are pressed for time.

Eat! Simply chewing, digesting, and absorbing food will help keep your metabolism moving. Consistently skipping meals slows your metabolism down, as your body slows to conserve energy. Pack some fruit or baby carrots or raw nuts into your bag to grab as a snack when you're too busy to grab a meal.

Eat smart!  Eat more foods that slowly release the sugar you need for sustained energy, like high-fiber fruits and veggies and whole-grain breads and pastas.

Get to bed! Recent research found that those who slept seven to eight hours a night had a lower risk for major weight gain than those who got six hours a night or less. The take home message, make sleep and rest a priority in your life today.

Resources and information:

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